Empower your apps with market-leading location services, data, and mapping tools. Build with the mapping libraries of your choice or use Esri’s full range of mapping libraries and no-code options to save time and focus on creativity. ArcGIS Location Platform offers an affordable and flexible location-focused Platform as a Service (PaaS) to bring location innovation into your products, solutions, and systems, solutions, and systems.

Introducing ArcGIS Location Platform

ArcGIS Location Platform gives developers direct access to high-quality location services and integrate location intelligence into applications and business systems using a complete set of mapping APIs, SDKs and services.

Ready to learn more? Contact us to speak to a product specialist.

Bring world-class location services, data and mapping tools to your apps

Build with the API of your choice and enrich your apps with powerful location capabilities.


Ready-to-use maps serve as the geographic foundation for your apps. Access a global collection of high-quality maps that can be customized to meet your unique needs.


Routing and directions

Find the most efficient routes to your destinations to reduce time and costs. Generate turn-by-turn directions to always stay on-course. Perform advanced network analysis for efficient route planning with a comprehensive set of intelligent tools.

Routing and directions

Data hosting

Quickly create services by hosting your data securely with ArcGIS Location Platform. Host and consume data easily in a variety of formats while retaining full ownership of your data.

Data hosting

Maps and data

Enrich your apps with a vast portfolio of authoritative global maps and data. Add more context with ready-to-use datasets like demographics, psychographic and business data, live feeds such as traffic and weather, places, movement data, and high-quality imagery.

Maps and data

Geocoding and search

Get accurate and reliable search results for addresses, landmarks, and more from all over the world. Elevate your user experience with autosuggest, batch search, reverse geocoding, and many more smart capabilities.

Geocoding and search

Mapping APIs

Build with the mapping library of your choice. ArcGIS Location Platform offers a full range of mapping APIs, SDKs, and no-code options that reduce development time and increase creativity. ArcGIS Location Platform also supports development with popular third-party open-source APIs.

Mapping APIs

Data visualization

Create beautiful maps and uncover unique patterns and relationships. Integrate rich interactive map visualizations in 2D. Visualize data in its real-world 3D context. Utilise data-driven styling and intelligent defaults that are tailored to your data.

Data visualisation

Spatial analytics

Comprehensive industry-leading spatial analytical tools help you solve problems and make informed decisions. These tools work both client-side for interactive user experiences and server-side to help you scale with massive amounts of data.

Spatial analytics

How ArcGIS Location Platform works

Intuitive developer experience icon

Sign up for free

Create a free developer account to access ArcGIS Location Platform. Get quality location services, maps, data, preferred mapping APIs, and developer resources.

High-quality location services icon

Build and enrich

Build innovative apps and enrich them with authoritative data. Create visualizations in 2D and 3D. Perform advanced spatial analysis to gain insights.

Affordable pricing icon

Pay as you go

Pay only for what you use with our consumption-based business model that is transparent and easy to understand.